
What is an example of conversational AI?

conversational AI – Chatbots and virtual agents are examples of conversational artificial intelligence (AI). They mimic human interactions by recognizing speech and text inputs and translating their meanings across languages utilizing large amounts of data and natural language processing.

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Conversational AI engages in contextual communication using NLP and other complimentary technologies. As you accumulate a larger corpus of user inputs, your AI improves at identifying patterns and making predictions. Backend programs in most conversational AI apps involve considerable analytics, ensuring human-like conversational interactions.

The simplest basic example of Conversational AI is a FAQ bot. Virtual Personal Assistants are the next step in the evolution of conversational AI. Two examples are Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri.

In comparison to the first two, Virtual “Customer” Assistants are more advanced Conversational AI systems. It has a specialized purpose and specializes in dialogue management.

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