
What are Kristen Wiig's twins' names?

Kristen Wiig’s twins – Kristen Wiig is an actor, comedian, and writer from the United States who has received numerous honors and nominations during her career. Kristen Wiig was a broadcaster for the Rochester Red Wings baseball team in the past.

Kristen Wiig has won numerous honors, including Best Female Performance in a Fiction Program at the Online Film and Television Association Awards in 2011 and 2012. Kristen Wiig was born in Canandaigua, New York, to Jon Wiig and Laurie Johnston Wiig, and reared in Lancaster and Rochester.

Kristen Wiig
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What are the names of Kristen Wiig’s twins?

Kristen Wiig is the mother of two children, a set of twins, who were born through surrogacy. Luna Rothman and Shiloh Rothman are the names of Kristen Wiig’s twin children.

Shiloh is a boy, and Luna is a girl, and they were both born in January of 2020, making them two years old. Kristen Wiig and Avi Rothman have two children, Luna and Shiloh Rothman.

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