Neal Adams Cause Of Death: How Did Neal Adams Die?
Neal Adams Cause Of Death – Neal Adams died on April 28, 2022, in New York, at the age of 80. Adams’ wife, Marylin, informed The Hollywood Reporter that he died of sepsis complications.
Neal Adams was a comic book artist from the United States. He was the founder of Continuity Associates, a graphic design business, and a creator-rights champion who helped Superman founders Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster get a pension and respect.
Neal Adams
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Adams co-created the DC Comics characters Ras’sal Ghul and John Stewart during his career.
Adams was admitted into the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame by the Eisner Awards in 1998, the Harvey Awards Jack Kirby Hall of Fame by the Harvey Awards in 1999, and the Inkwell Awards Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame by the Inkwell Awards in 2009.
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