
John Fetterman Net Worth, Salary, Approval Rating

John Fetterman Net Worth – Since 2019, John Fetterman has served as the 34th Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

John Fetterman | Credit: The Hill

John Fetterman net worth

How much is John Fetterman worth? How rich is John Fetterman? What is John Fetterman’s net worth? John Fetterman’s real net worth is not known yet, however, it is believed that he has a few million dollars to his name.

John Fetterman salary

How much does John Fetterman earn? What is John Fetterman’s salary? John Fetterman reportedly receives an average salary of $169,451.

John Fetterman approval rating

What is John Fetterman’s approval rating? John Fetterman’s approval rating has been high, making him win the Democratic primary for the Pennsylvania Senate seat after the health care scare.

John Fetterman age

How old is John Fetterman? John Fetterman is 52 years old.

John Fetterman birthday

When is John Fetterman’s birthday? John Fetterman celebrates his birthday every August 15.

John Fetterman date of birth

What is John Fetterman’s date of birth? John Fetterman was born on August 15, 1969.

John Fetterman party

Which party is John Fetterman a member of? John Fetterman is a member of the Democratic Party.

John Fetterman wife

Is John Fetterman married? Who is John Fetterman’s wife? John Fetterman is married to Gisele Barreto Fetterman.

John Fetterman children

Does John Fetterman have children? Who are John Fetterman’s children? John Fetterman has one daughter called Grace Fetterman.

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