5 Countries To Immigrate Easily In 2022-2023 | Countries With Relaxed Visa And Easy migration Policies
A lot of you want to migrate abroad, but you do not know the country that has the easiest immigration policy, and also for those of you who wish to move abroad, but you can’t decide on which country to start processing your visa, based on so many factors to decide which country best suits what you’re looking for, I will be listing top 5 Countries To Immigrate Easily In 2022-2023 that have Relaxed Visa And Easy migration Policies.
So if you’re planning on traveling abroad, I mean, you need to start your process as soon as possible because these countries that I am going to list out have easier immigration laws and rules, making it a lot easier, faster and seamless for migrants to move to.
The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is making a lot of countries open up their borders, skilled migrants in lots of countries are launching different visas and resident permits to attract the best talent to their country. It’s more likely a competition. And based on the country you want to migrate to, they have different categories of what they consider skilled migrants.
The general term they use in describing skilled migrants is individuals who have a higher level of education, let’s say a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree. I mean, any level of education that is above the secondary level of education in different countries has its own definition of skilled migrants and to who they are going to give their visa or a resident permit. They usually use a combination of who they consider skilled or highly skilled migrants first, it could be educational level, like a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or Ph.D., your work experience, or a specific job or job sector that you’re currently working in some countries also look at the income and in this jobs and also where they might have a staff shortage.
Most countries usually like to let in talented migrants based on what they’re looking for based on the area in which they have a shortage of staff and you want to fill in. So they can come up with a visa and call it a highly skilled migrant needed in the health sector, IT, engineering, and different sectors.
You will be shocked in February 2022. the UK launch the Care visa no one thought that a care assistant or a care worker can migrate to the UK. But here it is. So whatever skills you have just relaxed, if you’re searching for jobs in a foreign country. One thing you need to know is once you see a job when you read the job description, even if you do not qualify 100% Even if you’re just 50% qualified for that role, please apply. Most times you think all your skills and qualifications are not enough.
What’s the worst that can happen? When you applied for the job? What’s the worst that can happen? Unfortunately, right? So why not just give it a try? And it’s better to try it or not to try at all, and become a motivational speaker.
Anyway, moving on. Here are my top five countries that offer the best opportunities and a new beginning for migrants. And this country is also known as the ideal place for migrants who enjoy a sustainable and high quality of life with their families.
Top 5 Countries To Immigrate Easily In 2022-2023
These countries I’ll be mentioning allow you to migrate with your family. I will say that in countries that have easy immigration rules, just to attract more migrants depends on your skills, experience, and qualification that will determine how quick and easier it will be for you to migrate also depends on your sector, it will be a whole lot easier and cheaper for you to migrate to this country. It is affordable and easier for you to migrate to any country if you’re able to land a job in that country because most companies will sponsor your visa.
- Canada – Canada is the most preferred destination for migrants. Canada is a country that is welcoming to migrants and they have a different pathway to residency, they have the PR, provisional nomination, and all of those things.
Canada made it a lot easier for migrants to move into the country, especially skilled migrants, of course, and a lot of people who have migrated to Canada, love the country. A lot of migrants are trooping into Canada because of a lot of advantages and benefits they get to enjoy as permanent residents. So this is why Canada is number one on my list.
2. Australia – an individual can become a permanent resident of Australia by applying for and being granted one of the Australian permanent visas, and this can allow them to stay in the country for an indefinite period.
The most common applications for a permanent visa for Australia are skilled migration visas and family visas. There are many benefits of getting Australian permanent residents as an Australian PR. You can work, and study. Australian PR is also entitled to Medicare, the National Health scheme for Australians. an Australian PR can sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residents in Australia. Another perk you get for getting an Australian PR is that you can work in New Zealand. so Australian PR gives you permission to work in New Zealand, which takes us to the next step, which is New Zealand.
3. New Zealand – New Zealand just reopened its border and has launched three new resident visas. The good thing about New Zealand is that you can migrate as a permanent resident or you can migrants via a skilled worker visa.
And they also have the work-to-resident visa which means if you migrate to New Zealand on the work visa, after spending two years in New Zealand you can apply for EU residency or like the UK which you need to spend five years I mean they shortened the length of the amount of time you need to spend on a particular visa to get your permanent residence.
Also, you can also move to New Zealand even if you do not have a job. if you do not want to move to New Zealand via work, you can apply for your EOI and you can also calculate your points. So it’s points-based just like Canada, you can check your points by using the New Zealand points calculator, here’s a link to the New Zealand points calculator.
How they calculate your points is based on your skills, your educational qualification, and your sector, if you’re in a sector that has a shortage of occupations in New Zealand, it gives you more points for your experience. So depending on how many years you’ve worked in your particular sector or industry, it gives you more points.
And also if you’re coming in with your partner, depending on your partner’s qualification, you get more points, your partner’s job sector, you get points, and all of these points combined, you can apply for your UI. So New Zealand right now is a hotcake.
If you’re not considering moving to New Zealand, you should, and based on its business statistics, New Zealand is one of the best countries to immigrate to.
4. the United Kingdom. Last year to this year, the UK has launched several visas, making it easier for people to move to the UK. They have a carrier visa, but some of these visas are temporary like the carer visa is supposed to last for 12 months.
But right now we don’t know if they’re going to extend it or they’re going to end it but they have the carer visa which allows care workers, homecare, domiciliary care, social care, and other people in the healthcare sector, allows them to migrate to the UK to work, last week they launched the Scale-up Worker visa. This is also a work visa that allows you to migrate to the UK to work for a startup, scale companies are in need of staff that can work for their fellow company. And they also created another visa for students so that graduates from one of the top global universities can migrate to the UK without even needing sponsorship, all you need to do is to apply.
they have launched several visas making it easy for people to migrate to the country. And I will tell you for sure that this year alone they have granted 1000s of visas to people outside the UK to oversee candidates. so, if you are considering coming to the UK, this is the best time because they are open and are telling you to come to the country.
5. Germany – Germany is number five on the list. This is just a brief summary of all these countries so there is a great demand for skilled workers, physicians, nurses, engineers, scientists, and IT specialists in Germany, it has become much easier for an overseas skilled worker to find employment in Germany, there new law expanding the possibility for qualified professionals to come to work in the country.
Germany’s skilled immigration act makes it easier for skilled workers from non-EU nationals to migrate to Germany for work from overseas. Okay, there has been some relaxation of the rules applicable to them. Any migrant that had a tertiary level of education, which is more than a secondary level of education, can consider a skilled migrant and migrate to Germany with a job seeker visa. This visa allows you to travel to Germany to search for a job. So if you are granted this visa, you can move to Germany and search for a job. the visa is for 12 months. So within that period of time, you will need to have gotten a new job in Germany, once you get a job in Germany, you can then switch to a work permit. WATCH FOR MORE INFO
and right now there is an English-speaking job, I know, the language will be a barrier, but again, they are still welcoming people because they want to be culturally diverse. So they’re trying to you know, they are doing what the UK, Canada, and the US are doing trust me, migrants help the economy to grow.
So Germany knows all of these. So that is why they’re opening up their border, you know bringing in fresh talents, they know these talents are going to contribute to the country’s economic growth. So these are the top five countries you can migrate to easily at the moment.