
Giorgia Meloni Children: Meet Ginevra Giambruno

Giorgia Meloni Children: Meet Ginevra Giambruno

Giorgia Meloni, a well-liked politician in Italy, is the mother of Ginevra Giambruno.

Ginevra Giambruno age

What is Ginevra Giambruno’s age? How old is Ginevra Giambruno? The age of Ginevra Giambruno is six.

Ginevra Giambruno birthday

What day of the year does Ginevra Giambruno have her birthday? What year was Ginevra Giambruno born? Every September 16, Ginevra Giambruno celebrates her birthday.

Ginevra Giambruno date of birth

Ginevra Giambruno was born when? What year was Ginevra Giambruno born? The date of birth of Ginevra Giambruno is September 16, 2016.

Ginevra Giambruno father

Who is the father of Ginevra Giambruno? Andrea Giambruno gave birth to Ginevra.

Giorgia Meloni and partner Andrea Griambruno | Credit: The News Department

Ginevra Giambruno nationality

What country is Ginevra Giambruno from? From where does Ginevra Giambruno hail? Ginevra Giambruno shares the same nationality as her parents, which is Italian.

Ginevra Giambruno birthplace

Ginevra Giambruno was born where? In which medical facility was Ginevra Giambruno born? In the San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome, Italy, Ginevra Giambruno was born.

Ginevra Giambruno grandparents

Who are the grandparents of Ginevra Giambruno? Anna Paratore and Francesco Meloni are Ginevra Giambruno’s grandparents.

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