
Pregnant lady brutalizes 7 year old nephew for failing to recite English alphabet

Pregnant lady brutalizes 7 year old nephew for failing to recite English alphabet

A 24-year-oldpregnant ladyhas been apprehended for allegedlybrutalizingher 7-year-old nephew for failing to recite the English alphabet.

The pregnant lady, identified as Mrs. Abigail Eguta reportedlybrutalizedand almost blinded her nephew after he was unable to recite the English alphabet.


According to reports, the pregnant woman was apprehended by concerned neighbors who took the little boy identified as Sunday, to the office of the state women and social welfare commissioner, Ify Obinabo.

The little boy was the son of the pregnant lady’s sister who brought her son to stay with her for a year.

The pregnant woman Mrs. Eguta confessed to beating the child for not reciting the English alphabet correctly.

“I am very sorry. I didn’t intend to blind him or b€at him in the eyes, but I mistakenly did so. Please, forgive me, it is the handiwork of the devil,”she said.

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