
Is Gino Cappelletti still alive?

Gino Cappelletti has passed away. On May 12, 2022, the American Football player died. Cappelletti was a brilliant star in the American Football League, winning league MVP for the first time and retiring as the league’s all-time leading scorer.”

After playing collegiate football at the University of Minnesota, Cappelletti began his professional career in Canada for three seasons. The Boston Patriots signed him as a member of their inaugural team in the American Football League in 1960.

Gino Cappelletti (right) played for the Patriots from 1959 to 1970 Credit: AP

Cappelletti played in every game for the squad for ten years, until the AFL was acquired by the NFL. He is a member of the Patriots Hall of Fame and is the franchise’s all-time leader in points scored, receptions, and receiving yards.
After his playing days (1972-78), Cappelletti spent seven years in the broadcast booth before joining Patriots coach Ron Erhardt’s staff in 1979 as the team’s special teams coordinator until 1981. He returned to work with the Patriots as a radio analyst in 1988, and remained there until 2011.

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How Did Gino Cappelletti Die? What Happened To Gino Cappelletti?

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